Guarantee Your Crypto Future!


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You’re into cryptocurrency and have been wrapping your head around it for some time, yet somehow you feel your search isn’t ending.. I know the feeling, I’ve been there and back, and I bring you now what will put your search to rest.

See, the search isn’t about cryptocurrency per-se, what it is you’re looking for exactly is Bitcoin! This is the earth-shaking technology copied by all other coins, that you need and nothing else. So simply, to guarantee your digital asset future going forth into an uncertain future is to make sure you are hodling Bitcoin! Hodl, the misspelling of hold, means so much more than simply holding Bitcoin.

Hodling Bitcoin is no easy task. You have to battle wild price fluctuations, whales going after your fair share, and abstaining from temptations and promises of other-worldly profits using leverage.

The technique most espoused by the most famous global Bitcoiners is called Dollar Cost Averaging (DCAing), or in plain English, to regularly buy small amounts when Bitcoin’s price is offered at discount, like after a major sale, is when you buy.

If you still have your assets now in “cryptos” for goodness sake switch them for Bitcoin asap, cryptos are nothing more than Bitcoin forgeries.. counterfeits! After the world moves on to the Bitcoin standard what do you want to be left with holding in your bag?

If you are an American then you may have a Coinbase account, otherwise perhaps you have a Binance account, it matters little in actual fact how you exchange your cryptos but what is essential is to trade in those ***tcoins and ***tcurrencies for Bitcoin! Don’t take too long to make your trades though because the Bitcoin standard comes online in a matter of months. So be ready, be prepared, and best of luck. Peace, love, and eternity to all.. with all your Bitcoins in hand 💪

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